ArtReach Delivers Artist Kits

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Area Non-Profit Still Finding Ways to Bring the Love of Art to Kids // With stay-at-home orders still well under way, one local art program is finding ways for its students to continue their lessons.


APRIL 29, 2020

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It’s no surprise, many businesses have been struggling during this COVID-19 pandemic. Some of the hardest-hit organizations have been non-profits who rely heavily on donations.

ArtReach San Diego is a local non-profit that brings free arts programming and projects to area schools.

They bring art lessons into classrooms, host after school activities and even organize events where kids can help paint murals on their schools. But they can’t go to schools or meet in groups right now, so they’re getting creative with how they can still help.

The organization is putting together artist kits that volunteers deliver to the doors of kids they’re working with. Then, they hold virtual lessons online.

ArtReach was formed in 2008, mainly as a response to school budget cuts and slashing art programs. It serves students in elementary, middle and high school as well as young adults.

Different teachers with ArtReach bring their skills into the classroom to teach students about art, from ceramics to painting. They’re finding ways to continue reaching as many kids as possible.

“One of the main ways we’ve been doing that is through pre-recorded art lessons on video and this is great for students and teachers to use from home. All of our projects are used with simple materials that they have readily available to them,” said Isabel Halpern, Mural Program Manager with ArtReach.

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