ArtReach believes in the power of community and art to change lives and spaces. A mural provides an opportunity for people to work together while creating something transformative and lasting for their site. The ArtReach Mural Program works directly with youth at schools and community centers to dream up large collaborative works that represent their vision. We are here to find out what you see for your walls. What reflects and is important to your community?
ArtReach Mural Program Offers
- Engagement in Creative Placemaking
- Youth collaboration from concept to completion
- Project leadership from professional Mural Teaching Artists
- Mural arts history and contemporary connections
- Skill-building: painting, color theory, composition, design
- Community Paint Days: connection through contribution
- Mural dedication: ribbon cutting ceremonies to gather, acknowledge, celebrate
ArtReach Mural Program Instills
- School/center pride and beautification
- Sense of belonging
- Collaborative empowerment
- Learning new art skills
- Transformation of space
ArtReach tailors workshops to your needs
Create a painted mural anywhere on your campus. ArtReach is happy to fit your site’s aesthetic and curatorial requests that are appropriately tailored for your students’ ages and skill sets.
Ages: K-12
Location: Any school site or community center in San Diego County
Inquire about an ArtReach Mural Program
Request a mural: Fill out our Inquiry Form
All other mural questions, contact:
ArtReach Mural Sites