ArtReach Day // November 1st, 2022
City of San Diego Proclamation

In honor of ArtReach’s 15th birthday, Councilmember Stephen Whitburn of District 3 proclaimed today, November 1st, 2022 to be “ArtReach Day” in the City of San Diego. We want to thank Councilmember Whitburn for his dedication to the community and for his ongoing support of our mission and the youth we work with.
Pictured below is Councilmember Whitburn speaking at the dedication for our collaborative mural with the 1st grade class of the Museum School and staff of St. Paul’s Senior Services this past June. The mural was co-designed by Chloe Moya and Isabel Halpern. We were especially grateful to have Councilmember Whitburn in attendance, speaking about the importance of visual arts education and youth voice in the community.

Click here or the image below to watch the video from today’s City Council meeting in which Councilmember Whitburn spoke on behalf of ArtReach. The proclamation for ArtReach Day was unanimously passed.

Thank you so much to Councilmember Whitburn and the City of San Diego for this huge honor!